Tuesday 29 January 2008


In Zimbabwe there are lots of problems going on like the precedent(Mugabe) in kicking out all the whites and giving there farms to the blacks that do not know how to farm.
Then there is the inflation which goes up every day. it was 7 million yesterday and now it is 10 million so zim dollars have no value and they have already taken 3 zeros of the money in 2004 and now they have made a 1000000 dollar note which only worth 10p. as i say the inflation is crazy!!!!

The wildlife in Zimbabwe is really nice you can go and visit wild animals or sort of tame ones because a wild animal can never be tamed.for example there is a game park called imira which has elephant which you can ride, a hyena which i was allowed to stroke but that was a very special occasion. this is a picture of the elephants been ridden by one of my younger brothers and my dad. we also rode them but we ode one that drinks beer so as you can see imira is a very spacial place and they also have an elephant who thinks its a buffalo.
there are other game parks which are smaller but the smallest one i have been to even has 5 giraffes. the game park is called gosho and it right next to my old school which is called Peterhose girls school and brothers is just across the road and is called peterhouse boys and the primary school is called springvale which is attacked to the girls school. theses are some pictures of our house in zim.www.africaguide.com/country/zimbab/parks.htm

Wednesday 23 January 2008

my life in africa

hi my name is Kate.crisp

this is about my life in Africa and about the places i have been in Africa in the past 5 years.

this has information about: Ghana, Zimbabwe, south Africa and Zambia.

i was born in England and my family wanted an exciting life so we went to south Africa but only stayed there for a month.

South Africa is the best place for shopping in Africa. i has really nice beaches and is a great temperature in the summer but in winter it snows lots. you can go snorcalling and the main place for shopping is cape town they have got loads of african art and loads of first world things to which is quite rare in africa.

The currence over there is rand and there is 10 rand to a pound.
This is a 5 rand coin.
There are loads of hotels in south Africa in the summer they are basically all fully booked so get there quickly some of the hotels are if you want to stay at a game park they all have chalets or inns etc. i recommend Mkuze.
the link above is somewhere you can look up and book into a hotel.
then when we moved from soutafrica we went to zimbabwe.