Tuesday 19 February 2008

back to zim

my dads company mucked us up again but we got a new jod in zimbabwe so we headed down and stayed at a temporary farm. there were lots of horses there and i did lots of horses riding. there were lots of hills around were there were sable,kudu,leopard and even a few girraffes and lots of babboons. there were alot of places you could get lost but 5he horse alway new the way home and you heard baboons yelling you would turn and gallop away because you would not like to come face to face with an angery baboon, the longest tooth a baboon tooth is 5 inches and you wouldnt want that dug into you but i am of course as i always do going over the top i have never been bitten by a baboon and i have lived there for 4 or 5 years now and i am hoping to back there some times it depends what job i choose.
Then we got a nice big house right next to the damn which the dogs loved and we had a swimming pool which was always used when we were home from school . we alway took our 5 dogs round the damn for a walk and we went into the python caves and alsorts it was really cool untill i got bitten by a python. i was just joking i didnt get bitten. there were also bats in there and the dogs found it fun chasing then.
our dogs are crazy and once they were having a crazy momment and boris our massive puppy ran straight into a tap and didnt even realise until the water hit him he is a great fdog.
but then the warvets came and we had to leave in two days so we came back to england. i alway like flying but i would prefer to stay in zimbabwe at peterhouse girls and ride elephant when you get used to africa you will love it trust me i know.

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