Friday 1 February 2008


we moved to ghana after we were kicked out of zimbabwe and we had to sell a lot of things. but my dad was offered a job out in ghana so we went out there but unfortunatly we had to live on a estate which he dogs didnt like. Then we got ourselves a plot of land which was a massive hill which had lovely veiws and we had biult a drive way up there and a wicked swing this is a picture of them:
but then we were forced to l;eave because yhe company stabed us in the back.
So we went back to England for 6 months and stayed at my nanas house which was mayhem having 3 brothers and then my older brother was a typical teenager and drove my nan up the wall. But we were ok and it was nice to see everyone after 2 and a half years in we stay for a while orginally we were only going to stay for christmas which was about 1 month but we ended up staying there for 6 months. this is a website about hotels in ghana :

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